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dAdB dCdD dEdF dGdH dIdJ dKdL dMdN dOdP dQdR dSdT dUdV dWdX dYdZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
EMMANUEL dental +stripes 42
EUKANUBA dental deffense 31
EXCELLENCE dental healthcar 44
FACE KRAFT dental & facial 44
FAMILY dental care +family 44
GALAXY dental chairs +ovals 10
GRIN dental care +oval & ar 44
HARVARD dental internationa 41, 42
IMPRESSIONZ dental care 44
INDERPRASTHA dental college 42
INNOVATIVE dental clinic 44
ISHWAR AMRIT dental clinic 5
JOHNSON dental clinic 16
KD KATARA dental +tooth 10
KENT OZONE dental jet 7
LAXMI dental lab 10
MAXAM dental cream 3
MDC malabar dental ceramics 10
MY SMILE dental clinic 44
NOVA dental cream 3
NOVA dental powder 3
ORAL VALUE dental clinic 44
PLUS-K dental cream +tooth 5
PRADHAN dental centre 42
REACH dental rinse +tooth 3, 5
REBI-dental herbal +plants 3
REBI-dental whitening +teet 3
SIMI paste dental 3
SMILE MAKERS dental clinic 44
SMILE indore dental solutio 44
SOUTHSIDE dental +tree 44
SPACE LINE dental studio 44
SRIRAM DENTAL family dental 44
SURE SMILE dental clinic 44
SYNDENT dental gel +tooth 5
VYDEHI institute of dental 41
XAVIER'S dental +square arc 42
Y G P VITA dental lab 42
bhl's dental tonic 5
care dental clinic 32 +arcs 16, 44
child dental care +face 44
r RELIANCE dental ceramic 10
dentalhub DENTAL CARE CENTR 44
STOMA dentals +tooth 42
SARAL dentalsoft 9
SHAKTI dentifrice 3
COLGATE dentin-bloc 3
my dentist +square 44
32 PEARLS dentistry 44
PLANET dentistry 10
PLANET dentistry +tooth 10
SMILEMAX dentistry +tooth 44
C.P.C. dentofix-K +oval 3
ICPA rewind denture kit 10
NP 32-dentz +oval & square 44
denver +triangle 7
denver NUGGETS 25, 28
denver NUGGETS +buildings 28
denver NUGGETS +hill 9, 16
denver NUGGETTS +buildings 25
ARAMUSK COOL deo for men 3
CINTHOL deo-cologne 3
CINTHOL deo-lime 3
CINTHOL deo-mist 3
CINTHOL deo-spice 3
CINTHOL deo-spring 3
ORLY'S COOL COOL deo talc 3
RED CHIEF deo double impact 3
RIAN RANI deo talc 3
international deo CAMAY 35
CALIX GO PLAY deodorant 3
DESENTOL deodorant cleaner 3
DIVACHE RHYTHM deodorant 3
NIVEA deodorant 3
PARK AVENUE body deodorant 3
RECKEL taj deodorant 5
STARCLIN deodorant cleaner 3
TITANIC new fresh deodorant 3
18 EIGHTEEN PLUS deodrant 3
CLICK deodrant 3
sahara D.O. body deodrant 3
DG deora 7, 9
AKCHAYA department store 16, 29, 30
M MUTHA department stores 35
department 42
SAGA the department store 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34
KANI departmental stores 35
MADHAV departmental store 30
PAL departmental store +ova 35
RELIANCE departmental store 42
SAGA the departmental store 14
SRI SELVAKUMAR departmental 35
SUBAH-the departmental stor 16
SUSHIL'S departmental store 35
URBANZ departmental store 35
standard departmental store 35
ANAND departments 35
departure 16
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